Theses Canada: What you (a graduate student) should know

Being on the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research council my attention was drawn to the issue of what happens to theses. In my day you bound a bunch of copies and one went off to Libraries and Archives Canada where it was indexed, but could not be read online. Since 1997 it looks like … Continue reading Theses Canada: What you (a graduate student) should know

Dissertation for Sale: A Cautionary Tale

The other day while browsing around looking for books to read on my iPad I noticed what looked like a dissertation for sale. I’ve been wondering how dissertations could get into e-book stores when I remembered the license that graduate students are being asked to sign these days by Theses Canada. The system here encourages … Continue reading Dissertation for Sale: A Cautionary Tale

University Affairs: Some graduates question thesis publication requirement

University of Affairs has a story online about how Some graduates question thesis publication requirement. The article gives as examples, students in creative writing programs who obviously want to go on and publish their theses. They don’t mention the serious issue of the license that Theses Canada makes you sign. I wonder if it would … Continue reading University Affairs: Some graduates question thesis publication requirement

Today is Open Access Day

Today, October 14th, 2008, is Open Access Day which I discovered the University of Alberta library promotes thanks to Erika. The Canadian libraries supporting OAD are listed on the Open Access Day 2008 wiki. I love the U of Calgary comment, “We’re considering options but will definitely mark the day.” U of Alberta, by contrast … Continue reading Today is Open Access Day